Analytic Hierarchy Process is an approach of system engineering for selecting the optimum scheme of waterway regulation. 层次分析法是用来优先航道整治方案的系统工程方法。
Discussion of Building Tending Felling Engineering Process System with System Engineering Analysis Method System Modeling of Visualization of Hydroelectric Project Construction 采用系统工程分析方法构建抚育采伐工程过程系统的探讨
Different cultures, laws, and market conditions make international operation a complicated process of system engineering. 文化,法律,市场情况的差异使的国际业务在系统工程上的过程变的复杂化。
It is the process system engineering core content, is the key of process system design. 它是过程系统工程学的核心内容,是过程系统设计的关键。
Reconstruction and Reformation of Process System Engineering for Master of Engineering 工程硕士过程系统工程课程建设与探索
According to the problems existed in the process of implementing supervision system in highway engineering some considerations of perfecting highway engineering supervision system are discussed. 针对公路工程监理制度在具体实施过程中存在的诸多问题,提出了如何完善公路工程监理制度的一些想法。
Based on the process model of information system engineering supervision, the automation for procedure and information management is supported by the tool. 工具以信息系统工程监理的过程模型为基础,支持监理工作的流程和信息管理自动化。
Building a mathematic model of process system that the parameters of the process engineering subsystem is fixed. 建立了结构固定的公用工程系统数学模型。
An overview Of Process System Engineering and intensive managing 过程系统工程与集约化经营的现在和未来
Based on the assembling process analysis, the system engineering analysis to the construction formwork assembling machine was applied. 在仔细分析了建筑模网装配过程的基础上,对模网装配机进行系统工程的设计分析。
The construction of the intelligent building is a complex system engineering of integrating multiple technologies, so its whole construction process, from demand analysis, design, accomplishment, evaluation to running attention, should strictly abide by the technological process of a system engineering. 智能大厦建设的本身是一个集成多种技术的复杂系统工程,其整个生命周期自用户需求分析开始,通过精心实施,直到评价、运行维护,应严格遵守系统工程的开发流程。
Based on the thought of process system engineering and through the use of a modularization model building method the authors have set up a method for mathematical modeling of typical equipment for a clean coal fired electrical power generation system. 根据过程系统工程的思想,利用模块化建模方法,对洁净燃煤发电系统建立了典型设备的数学模型库及各种工质热力性质计算函数库。
Process system synthesis is the most challengeable and creationary work among the field of process system engineering. 过程系统综合是过程系统工程范畴中最具挑战性和创造性的工作。能源短缺的现实导致能量密集型的分离过程子系统日益受到关注。
The Study on the Synthesis and the Solution Strategy of the Process System Engineering 过程系统工程综合方法及其求解策略的研究
Research and Application of Process System Engineering Technology in China Petroleum and Chemical Engineering 过程系统工程技术在中国石油化工的研究与应用
How to speed up soil forming process on the cultivated system engineering of reclamation 在复垦种植系统工程中加速复垦层成土速度的研究
The solution strategy based on modified genetic algorithms for process system engineering 改进遗传算法在过程系统工程中的求解策略
Thermal System Performance Simulation Based on a Process System Engineering Theory 基于过程系统工程理论的热力系统性能模拟
Pinch technology, a methodology of process integrated technology, is used to determine the optimum disposal for utilization and recovery of energy in process system with thermodynamic principle and systematic engineering theory. so as to raise the utilization efficiency and drop energy comsumption. 夹点技术是过程集成技术的一门方法学.它将热力学原理和系统工程相结合,用以确定过程系统能量利用与回收的优化配置,提高能量利用率,降低能耗。
Advances in Process System Engineering 过程系统工程研究进展
Two major front areas in process system engineering are reviewed in this paper: ( 1) computer integrated process system ( CIPS); ( 2) intelligent process engineering. 本文讨论了过程系统工程中值得引起注意的两个前沿研究领域的发展动态:计算机集成过程系统(CIPS)及智能过程工程。
Process modeling of CAPP system for concurrent engineering 面向并行工程的CAPP系统过程建模
For generative module construction, a whole process is firstly offered according to system engineering and design methodology, and a detailed description on module functional design and module structural design is then given, the design of module interfaces is finally discussed. 针对创成式模块创建,按照系统工程理论和设计方法学,描述了完整的设计流程,详细探讨了模块功能设计、模块结构设计和模块接口设计;
Process Management Strategies on Distributed Control System Engineering Projects 分散控制系统工程项目的过程管理
Project assessment of accomplishment is a complicated process of system engineering management. 项目绩效评价是一项复杂的系统工程管理过程。
Dynamical system modeling is the most important research in current process system engineering. 动态系统建模是目前过程系统工程中最重要的研究课题之一。
Business Process Costing in Integrated System Engineering 集成系统设计中的经营过程成本分析技术研究
Environmentally friendly process design is becoming a key research issue in process system engineering nowadays. 以环境和经济为目标的过程设计是过程系统工程的重要研究内容。
Also, modern chemical process system engineering requires the environmental friendly of products during their whole life cycle. Nowadays, environmental performance will not be treated as a constraint condition, but looked as an objective function, which parallels with the economic performance. 同时,现代化工过程系统要求在产品在其全生命周期过程中环境友好,环境性能将不再是作为一个约束条件来对待,而是作为和经济性能并列的目标函数来处理。
The theoretical foundation of energy flow structure model is introduced, including the main energy flow structure model during the development process of process system engineering, steps of process system analysis and sequential modular approach. 介绍能流结构模型的理论基础,包括过程系统工程发展过程中主要的能流结构模型、过程系统分析的步骤及序贯模块法。